Valdez LIO
About Our Office:
Welcome to the Valdez Legislative Information Office website. Valdez LIO is located in the State Courthouse, Room 13. Valdez LIO is one of 22 offices across the state sharing a mission to help you stay informed on the issues facing the Alaska Legislature and to provide legislators with open lines of communication with all Alaskans. All LIOs are non-partisan and serve all legislators. In addition to helping you with your legislative interests, the LIO offers many services including assisting you with filing your PFD application, either online or we have paper forms available. We can also assist you with other issues that you might have by directing you to the proper agency.
Contact Information:
PO Box 1969 State Courthouse, Room 13
Valdez, AK 99686
855 835-2111/toll free
Peter Carter - Information Officer
Office Hours:
8:00am - 4:00pm